Top 10 Travel Essentials
It pays to be prepared whilst traveling, as failing to be coordinated will cost you valuable time and sometimes money! These travel essentials will help you with that.
Here is our list of top 10 suggestions.
Passport Holder

So, there’s always one person who takes charge of the passports, but for security, you will individually need them. If there are more than two of you traveling it can get confusing and take time dishing them all out again.
Although you will need to take them out of the covers in most airports for security, the time it saves waiting for one person to work out who’s is who is invaluable.
Get something personalized that shows it is definitely yours like this one.
Documents Holder

As above, this comes in super handy when there’s a massive group of you, but even when it’s just yourself. Having somewhere to store all of your important information is vital when traveling. You don’t want to hold everyone up because your ticket or boarding pass has slipped to the bottom of your bag!
There are some great ones here.
First Aid Kit

Whether you tailor your own kit to your specific destination or opt for a pre-made travel first aid kit, you should definitely pack a medical kit for emergencies, minor cuts, scrapes and mishaps! If you’re travelling to remote areas and developing countries, you may also want to consider a sterile needle pack to accompany your first aid kit, or choose a comprehensive first aid kit that includes a set of needles and syringes. Key first aid items for travelling include; diarrhoea relief, rehydration sachets, paracetamol, anti-histamines, plasters, bandages and dressings.
Wash Bag

No matter your preference, whether you prefer an actual bag or a folding hanging bag, this is definitely an essential.
You don’t want your shampoo banging around your suitcase, and you definitely don’t want any explosions!
Amazon have a varied range of all of these.
Top Tip: Remember that all liquids over 100ml must be packed in your hold luggage. Liquids under this can be taken on the plane as long as they are within a clear plastic bag, and the container can only hold 100ml (a half-empty 200ml bottle will not be allowed).
Travel Pillow

We never really understood the benefits until we started getting older, but oh wow they help so much!
The Independent have done their Top 10 best pillows here.
Having a pillow on any journey is an essential to ensure you are sleeping in the correct positions rather than all crumpled up.
You will thank us when you wake up ready to start your holiday!
Ear Plugs

Ear plugs are an essential for any traveller, whether it’s to block out noise inside a loud plane cabin or to drowned out the sound of the snorer sleeping above you in the hostel dorm.
f you are one of those people who can’t deal with loud noises or bright lights, you need these.

It may not seem like an essential, but a torch can prove pretty handy when traveling. Nobody wants to be the person who wakes the entire hostel dorm room by turning the lights on during the night. If you need to find something inside your backpack after dark, using a torch to find your way is a fool-proof way to ensure you don’t become enemy number one amongst your fellow backpacking buddies. Torches are also a must-have for traveling in remote areas and in countries where blackouts occur frequently. Choose a head torch if you want to keep your hands free.
Portable Video Camera

When on vacation, who doesn’t like to capture the special moments to remember or share on social media? Because everyone has a smartphone nowadays, that’s usually the go-to device, since it’s with you all the time and can take pictures, videos, and allows you to post on social media at the same time. However, consider bringing portable video cameras like action cameras or anything that is smaller than a smartphone. When you have dedicated cameras like these, you can catch the action easier with a one-handed operation. You can put these cameras away quickly in your pocket and pull them out just as fast.
Water Bottle

Always carry a water bottle to stay hydrated on the road. Most travel backpacks have a water bottle compartment so it’s easy to reach when you’re walking around. Not only are reusable water bottles better for the environment but they’re also a great way to save money so that you don’t have to keep buying more.

The heat and cold can really dry out your skin so use your go-to moisturiser every day during your travels. It’s good to buy a moisturiser with SPF for extra protection from the sun.